Mindful Writing Mentoring: Mentee Application

Hello Writing Friend and Aspiring Author!

Thank you for your interest in my highly customized 1:1 Mindful Writing Mentoring program.


Please fill out this form so I can learn a little bit about you, your book desires and your anticipated writing needs. Allow about 20 minutes to complete this questionnaire. I appreciate the depth and thoughtfulness of your answers; it helps me determine how we can work together.


Answer as much as you can with what you know now or what feels true and sincere to you today. If you don't know, it's okay to answer "I don't know." These are conversational starting points, and almost certainly your thoughts and ideas will evolve as you write your book.


I'll be in touch with you via email to schedule a follow-up 20-minute discovery call.


Let's see how we can make your book dream real and make your story great!


With joy and gratitude,


Planning Note: The mentoring program roughly runs on a 9-month calendar, resembling an academic school year. The current mentoring program is available on a month-to-month basis from October 2024 to June 2025. 

No mentoring or discovery calls are scheduled in July and August, the time I use to replenish. Onboarding for new mentees and continued mentoring for returning mentees typically starts again in September.

Learn more about the program’s goals and workflow HERE.

Disclaimer: I work with individuals to help them discover their storytelling voices, move through the initial draft stages, polish their finished manuscripts, and provide big-picture feedback on the story's structure as a developmental editor. In my 1:1 mentoring work, I do not offer line editing or copyediting services, although I may point out obvious errors as I see them. My focus is to help you write your book and provide accountability milestones to keep you writing regularly. How much you write (or don't write) in any given mentoring term is entirely up to you. This is a mindful writing program. It aims to bring focus, clarity, stability and stamina to your writing practice in the same way that mindfulness meditation brings awareness, harmony and equanimity to your mind, body, heart and spirit. I do not make any promises that your book or story will be published. I will take you through the first, second and/or third draft writing, revising and editing stages, but anything related to book publishing, book marketing and book distribution is your responsibility. Click below to accept this terms.

Thank you for thoughtful answers. I will review them soon and will reply via email.

Check your email for a follow-up note with additional information about the mentoring program and a PDF with 11 essential book questions that will help you get started.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].

Happy writing!