Please select your desired course below to complete transaction.
For the experienced flamenco dancer to fine tune flamenco technique. Shoes required.
Learn the history and roots of the art of flamenco. Gain a deeper understanding of all the historical and cultural influences that shaped the style of dance.
Sign up for Friday's Int/Adv Martinete. For experienced flamenco dancers. Shoes required.
Sign up for Saturday's Int/Adv Martinete class. For experienced flamenco dancers. Shoes required.
Sign up for Sunday's Int/Adv Martinete for the experienced flamenco dancer. Shoes required.
In this class Miguel will guide us through the ways in which we can use Flamenco and somatic movement to process and move grief through the body. For all levels, even those who have never danced flamenco to the experienced dancer. No shoes needed.
I understand that completion of payment is required for registration. I agree to attend this workshop at my own risk, and will not hold the instructor, studio and property owners liable for any injury that may occur during the event.